Yard Bird Services
Yard Birds is your choice for your trees and shrubs
The company founder, Craig Greco, has influenced the preservation of trees and plant health care for businesses and home owners alike from Maine to the Virgin Islands. Honesty, integrity, and superior service is what to expect from him and his company. Learn more..
Plant and Tree Health Care
At Yard Birds, we strive to ensure that our clients’ trees and plants are managed responsibly from the aspect of environmental health and safety, while maintaining beautiful landscape design.
Yard Birds will help you:
- Choose the ideal plant material for optimum health and vitality
Amend soil to healthy nutrient levels
- Apply methods for minimal plant disease and insect damage
- Provide as-needed fertilization, prescription level where needed
At Yard Birds, we know that a healthy landscape ensures natural defenses against pests and disease.

Wildlife Sanctuaries
Imagine your space as a multi-sensory area of bird song, natural scents, colorful birds and butterflies, and edible plants. Yard Birds specializes in creating landscapes that are ideal wildlife habitats. Sanctuaries can be as small as a townhouse balcony or wide. Naturally framing both homes and businesses.
Yard Birds will help you:
- Plan your wildlife sanctuary
- Identify wildlife-friendly plants
- Choose plants for natural food sources and arrangements that encourage nesting
- Choose plants to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and desirable wildlife
Discover the pleasures of a wildlife sanctuary design by Yard Birds.

Tree Conservation & Preservation
Tree conservation is the process of managing wooded areas. Tree preservation is the act of protecting trees.

About Craig Greco
Craig has over 30 years experience in caring for trees and woody ornamentals. His educational background includes a M.S. in Forest Resources from Clemson University, a B.S. in Landscape Architecture from the University of Massachusetts, and a A.S. from Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Craig has published several papers in professional journals and is a usual contributor to magazines and newspapers. He loves his work !!!
- ISA Certified Arborist
- Registered Consulting Arborist
- Tree Risk Assessment Qualified